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A Perfect Thanksgiving D(th)inner

Scenario: You are proud of yourself for being one of the only ones among your friends and family who has kept their New Year's resolution.

You've been working out relentlessly and dieting with discipline just to make it to the

finish-line: the holidays!

But instead of doing what you do every year and pretending "holiday calories" don't count, I want to share with you a few tricks and (no it's not Halloween--no treats) tips to stuff the turkey.. not your stomach!

Turkey-Tips for Thinsgiving:

Start with breakfast

"Saving" your calories for dinner might sound like a good idea, but eating a small, light breakfast can curb a bit of your appetite so you're not starving by dinner.

Choose the light options

Skimming down foods if you're the one cooking is a smart way to help you (and your family) eat healthier this holiday season.

Choose healthier options: fat-free broth, don't use as much butter or oil (applesauce is a great trade!), sugar substitutes, skim milk, fat-free yogurt or sour cream, etc.

The best part is: They won't even know!

Slow and Steady wins the race.

The best part about having family over that you haven't seen in a long time is catching up!

Eat slowly and put your fork down in between bites. Making conversation is a clever and surefire way to eat at a pace where your stomach can catch up.

Family friendly fitness!

Just kidding, we don't have to take it too far. It's okay to give your rigorous exercise regimen a break during the holidays, but it's not a bad idea to go for a stroll with the family after dinner to get the blood in your legs moving again.

Maybe even before dessert!

It'll give your stomachs a break and time for the host to prepare the sweets!

Portion Police

It IS possible to get in all your favorites in a manageable manner. Not only does this make it easier on your stomach, it helps you savor each bite more and more --which goes back to the slow and steady tip.

and finally, Family and friends, not food.

This special time of the year is devoted to loved ones. Yes, the meal is a huge part of the holiday, but if we keep focused on what truly matters, it'll help you maintain (if not, lose) weight and keep your Thinsgiving stress-free (as least about your weight).

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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