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Commit to be Fit: Holiday edition

Holiday season

[hol-i-dey see-zuh n]:


1. The time of the year when your entire schedule gets thrown up and picked up by a full-fledged tornado.

2. Multiple fancy, fat-filled dinners at a variety of family and friends' houses.


4. Working to finish your quota for the year (endless hours at the office) and dining on take-out in close quarters.

5. It's cold outside and all you want is to sit inside and drink hot cocoa.

6. Hot cocoa and eggnog.

7. Eggnog with alcohol.

7 1/2. ALCOHOL

8. Constant temptations of holiday style baked goods.

9. Baking and cooking yourself, which means putting in those extra hidden calories without even noticing.

10. NO TIME for workouts.

So it's finally holiday season. You survived Thanksgiving without gaining too much weight and are actually pretty proud. But here comes Father Christmas. (Or whoever is connected to your holiday). And he's bearing calories. And stress. And stress-consumed calories.

You're starting to freak out. But it's the exciting, magically infused, snow covered rooftop type of freak out.

Most people would agree: it's the best time of the year! But not for your healthy lifestyle that you finally perfected.

Here are a few tips and tricks to not let that the holiday craze get the best of you and your fit lifestyle:

Minimize your stress.

Don't try and do everything, especially all on your own! If you're hosting, delegate tasks and make dinner at your house more of a potluck. If you're sending out cards to loved ones, have the kids help copy down the addresses. Don't do all your shopping in one day. And if not everything goes exactly as planned: Don't sweat it! It's the holidays and remember the reason for the season.

Try to stick to your normal schedule as much as possible.

Though easier said than done, take some time out of your day to keep working on yourself. If that means reducing some time somewhere else, or even reducing the time that you normally workout and raising the intensity, then so be it! Find the best solution for you, but don't forget to work out: exercising also decreases stress levels!

Do "hidden" workouts.

If you really can't get in your workout for the day, there are other ways to get in your exercise and to stay active.

It's all about choices:

You know all those empty parking spaces at the back of the parking lot? Pick one of them, any one. The extra walk to the front door of the store or supermarket is a perfect hidden workout.

Take the stairs at the office rather than the elevator.

Take the dog on a super long walk: it's a win for the both of you!

Clean your home, garden or do yard work (shoveling snow if you have to!). These will prepare your house for hosting and it will get you moving.

Make the fit fast food choices.

This doesn't just mean ordering the salad at the McDonald's drive-thru, sometimes salads actually have more calories than you think! If you have to order fast food, grilled is better than fried. Also be aware of the "best ingredients" advertised, though they might sound great, it doesn't necessarily mean adding them all in one meal is a good idea.

These simple tips will keep you still eating relatively healthy on the run:

Keep portions normal. Your eyes might be hungrier than your stomach so don't feel like you have to finish everything you order or put on your plate. Leftovers are great!

Drink-calories DO count. The holiday themed lattes and coffees are a dangerous breed around this time of year. If you want something hot and steamy, opt for a tea instead or at least choose the skinny options. Also watch your alcohol intake.

Too much wine=Weight gain whine.

Everything should be enjoyed, but in moderation.

Don't be shy to speak up. Most of food services want the customer to be happy.

That means you can (and should!) say no

to the cheese or hold the dressing.

Cook when you can. The kid in the cafeteria with the lunchbox always had the best food anyways. If that means taking the extra time to prepare and pack, it'll save you calories and money in the end.

Truth is, the holidays DO come just once a year, there is a happy medium between enjoying them and also keeping up with your healthy lifestyle!

Besides, it's all about balance:

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