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Why your NYResolution diet will fail.

The #1 reason why most resolutions kick the bucket before February 14th, (or on Valentine's day because of all those chocolates), is the fact that they are way too restricting.

I get it, you are "all in" going into the new year. You want a fresh start, a planned path and you're willing to grit your teeth and follow your diet. While that is very heroic and admirable of you, that is hardly a way to live. There IS another way to live this year and still kill your goal without dying of boredom from the same routine eating every day.

It's simple to opt for the pre-made choices and programs online when it comes to nutrition so you won't stray from it or be tempted when it's left up to you. But if you follow these tips, you can "stray" from that strict diet, not bang your head against the wall from kale five days straight, and stay fit and healthy in a more diverse way.

#1-What you buy and what you find is what you eat.

A great way to make sure you're not snacking on those extra fatty calories you don't need is to make healthy snacks more available. Though people might think that your car is messy with uneaten food everywhere, you really know that they are healthy snacks strategically placed for you when you get hungry. They are perfect to drive away those drive-thru temptations.

Plus, who do those friends go to when they're on the go and hungry? Yes, you're their life saver so tell them to stop complaining.

#2-Just switch the sodas for water.

This is a great and easy way to make sure you're keeping your nutrition on track. Even flavored seltzer water or seltzer water with fruit is better than juices or iced tea. This simple step can take away so many calories that you normally consume on a daily basis.

#3-Take the time to plan.

Preparing ahead of time what you're going to eat for the week, even prepping meals and snacks and shopping lists will save you calories, money and time in the long run. For instance, if you know what you're going to buy before you enter into the supermarket, then you won't buy more than you need, spend more time shopping than you want and eventually eat more than you should.

#4- Start with breakfast, and a loaded one.

Eating breakfast shortly after you wake up- healthy and filled with protein can help you stay full for longer and well into your day. This will diminish your desire to want to eat loads before or during lunch because you starved yourself all morning.

#5- Indulge every once in a while.

To stop yourself from going on a binge because you restrict yourself all the time, make sure to enjoy your favorite dessert every once in a while. If you make it scheduled (but not often!), and within a reasonable portion, you will be less likely to crave it or binge eat, throwing yourself off the course to healthy living.

#6- Make short term goals.

Breakdown your new year goal (not just a resolution. Make a S.M.A.R.T. goal-Specific. Measurable. Accountable. Realistic. Time specific.) into smaller checkpoints. This will keep you accountable and make your health target seem much more achievable.

#7- Shake it up.

There are so many foods and so many ways to eat healthy. If you come across something you don't like, just because it's healthy doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it! Don't overdo the meals you like either. If you find a yummy, healthy meal or food, make that your treat meal and make it sparingly. This way, you won't get tired of it and still have it to look forward to.

Last note: You don't have to be perfect, lead the "perfect lifestyle", or eat on-plan all the time. Set realistic and achievable goals that you can hit and feel good about. But if you don't hit it, keep pushing, make adjustments and go for the next one. You only fail if you give up.

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